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Do not transfer the process to the next day

I live!
The system has been upgraded with a point that allows you to choose the needs (not closed) of the business process, which does not need to be transferred to the next day.
De vin?
Original question is available on version: ru


Good day! The customization you specified will be found in the customization card for the contact /admin/shop/users/settings/id of the required contact/ .
22.04.2021, 10:16
Original comment available on version: ru

Good day! The customization you specified will be found in the customization card for the contact /admin/shop/users/settings/id of the required contact/ .
22.04.2021, 10:16
Original comment available on version: ru

Dydyk Ihor
I have business processes, which I don’t need to endure, independently from the coristuvach. And so it was. Now, all business processes have been transferred to a fluid day (and їх rich). How can I return them to the scheduled date?
Such changes radically change the logic. You are so angry that you are sitting on a powder keg - you don’t know what checks for the coming day will see you!
22.04.2021, 10:22
Original comment available on version: ru

Dydyk Ihor
I have 74 spells (real + virtual), so they can create these processes!
How can I put down the fence at once?
PS What is the possibility of transferring the old customization to all coristuvachiv?
22.04.2021, 10:25
Original comment available on version: ru

Dydyk Ihor
22.04.2021, 11:10
Original comment available on version: ru

Hello. The old setting has been migrated for employees who are subject to the setting for transferring tasks to the next day.
22.04.2021, 13:01
Original comment available on version: ru

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