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Application Questions and Answers «Documents»

Formatting numbers in document templates
Good day, tell me how to set the document template so that the separator is a comma, and there is a space between the thousands. Thank you!
Action "Write a document"
Good day! Order example https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/26349/ https://prnt.sc/j1VVOqcuFsKw, https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/admin/shop/workflowstatu...
0 replies
27.03.2024, 23:36
Packing list
Good afternoon. There is a need to create an invoice with the columns "Base price" and "Personal price". We have several price levels (7), we need ...
2 answer
Does not pull data into the document
As of today, it has stopped pulling data into the Dealer Delivery, Customer Delivery documents. Does not pull data Delivery address changed {custom...
5 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
19.02.2024, 10:46
The amount of the process with a discount text in the document
Good afternoon, it is necessary to display the amount of the process with a discount in text in the document. Tried all the variables with text out...
1 answer
16.02.2024, 18:27
The document is downloaded when the process is opened
Good day for example https://orc-test.kiev.ua/25374/ But when you open any process where there is a document, it is immediately downloaded.
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
14.02.2024, 11:53
BUG: Variables with Prices in document templates took off
How IT WAS: There are products with a price based on the quantity, which we fix in the block: Setting prices Invoices were created and the co...
14 replies
01.02.2024, 14:59
Creation of Invoice Account does not work
Creating an invoice has stopped working, everything is there except the product itself.
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
20.01.2024, 11:57
Improvement, qr code for additional process field
Good afternoon, we have an additional process field with a link to the overlay or form creation page, URL field type. You need to generate a QR cod...
3 answer
26.12.2023, 11:09
The document is duplicated when created
Good afternoon When creating invoices, duplicate documents in the order are periodically randomly created. Can you see what the problem might be? T...