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Application Questions and Answers «Documents»

2 answer
09.08.2022, 09:51
formatting numbers in a document template
Hello! Tell me, please, is it possible to format the numbers in the document template so that thousands are separated by a space in the numbers. In...
2 answer
The problem with the output of expense invoices in excel
I can't upload expenses to Excel in the "Documents" section. Previously, they were unloaded for a selected period, then they stopped....
2 answer
18.07.2022, 10:13
Evaluate the finalization of the document signature online
There is a need to sign documents through the phone, following the principle of how it works in Privat24 at the checkout. That is, in order to disp...
3 answer
13.07.2022, 14:29
Druk tsіnnik
Good afternoon, will this functionality be improved? there is no way to print the price tag normally quickly
1 answer
Personal license
12.07.2022, 21:00
When saving the document, the creation time is reset
Good evening! In both MVP and OS, when a document is edited, the creation time (hours) is reset to zero. How can this be fixed?
1 answer
11.07.2022, 15:57
Is it possible to print to different printers automatically in OneBox OS?
For example, when moving to a stage, a bill of lading is printed on one printer, and TTN on another. Or is it still impossible to manage printers f...
1 answer
20.06.2022, 15:02
Word document not opening in One Box system
Good day! The Word of the document does not appear in the One Box system (in the operator's office and the signatory), I see the pardon "4...
1 answer
17.06.2022, 11:19
Documents are not opening in the One Box system
Good day! The Word of the document does not appear in the One Box system (in the operator's office and the signatory), I see the pardon "4...
9 replies
03.06.2022, 12:57
How to change the height of the barcode in the price tag template?
How to change the height of the barcode in the price tag template? Now I'm setting up the template and it turns out to change the size of the b...
6 replies
19.05.2022, 09:27
Download Excel document
In MVP, it was possible to create a document and, when opening it, choose to download or open in Excel. I don’t find such a function in OS, please ...