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List of related questions and answers «Interface»

2 answer
02.04.2024, 16:06
Translate into Ukrainian: Preview contact - Preview contact
Good afternoon, we found a discrepancy in the translation into Ukrainian in the contact interfaces. The interface block is now in Ukrainian: "Conta...
1 answer
MAKOSH | Analyst of Consolidated Information
27.03.2024, 10:52
Error in translation into Ukrainian
Congratulations! An error was made in the text when installing the paid application.
17 replies
20.03.2024, 16:57
Problems with the interface of processes and comment feeds
1. The Prom.ua and Rozetka.ua tabs are displayed in the comments feed, despite the fact that the display of these tabs is hidden. 2. After sav...
Processes under control - names of processes have disappeared, only the number is visible
Good day! From today, all processes that are installed on the control are shown as process numbers, without a description of the process. How to f...
2 answer
26.01.2024, 17:16
please fix the bug - in the Ukrainian version, for some reason, the "event type" field is missing
Good day, please fix the bug - in the Ukrainian version, for some reason, the field is the "type of event" field And in the interface and where it...
5 replies
03.01.2024, 14:37
Apostrophe, bug
Good afternoon There are clients whose names have an apostrophe, for example "Mar'yana". When you try to save such a name, an error appears. Box...
2 answer
30.11.2023, 12:48
Long loading process with a large number of products. Please help me solve the problem
Good afternoon We constantly face a problem when there is a large number of goods in process, namely: 1) The page constantly slows down, and if the...
Recommendation for OneBox (process interface)
It would be great if there is a block that can be configured outside of the processes and just copy it to the created processes. Example: set up th...
10 replies
05.10.2023, 12:16
Improvement: when you press TAB, the procedure should work
Guys, please calculate the modification, namely: if you switch to TAB, the procedure needs to work.
3 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
03.10.2023, 19:27
Boxing https://everest.1b.app/ You need to be able to display multiple iFrames in the process interface Please rate