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List of related questions and answers «Warehouse management»

3 answer
22.11.2023, 14:41
Import of third-party warehouse balances in CSV format
Good day. There is a need to import the remains of a third-party warehouse, unfortunately, they are only in CSV (XLS) format. I found in automation...
The balances on the site are not updated! Urgently! Ready to pay.
Urgently! We can't work! Balances on the site siverprod.com.ua are not updated There is an assumption that the warehouse cart ID needs to be checke...
2 answer
08.11.2023, 18:05
Product Quantity, Product Price, Product Amount are not displayed in the log
If the process https://aquadevice.crm-onebox.com/7478595/ is sent to Show operations on the process, zeros are displayed in the columns Product qua...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
03.11.2023, 19:04
A bug with cells when moving goods between warehouses
Good afternoon, we have several warehouses and in each of them goods are stored in cells. A very unpleasant bug was noticed, the movement log re...
Attach the company's property to the employee.
Is it somehow possible to secure the property purchased by the company for its activities by the employee? Considered 2 options. The first - using ...
2 answer
04.10.2023, 15:20
Incorrectly writes off goods from warehouse
We want to write off 160 items of goods from the warehouse, but only 1 item is written off. The product https://topbox.1b.app/app/product/19110/edi...
How to find out the ID of an employee?
Where can I find out an employee's warehouse ID in the Warehouses program?
3 answer
25.09.2023, 19:34
Select all warehouse products to move
Congratulations! In the warehouse application, it is possible to move products from one warehouse to another. For example, select a warehou...
Improvement_ Display write-offs in the interface, the ability to load goods from a file
Good afternoon To the write-off section https://inclothes.1b.app/app/storage/process/outcoming/ evaluate the addition of the ability to load goods ...
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31.08.2023, 11:10
The reserve of shipped goods is not removed from the warehouse!
Good afternoon Processes: https://arp.1b.app/11636/ https://arp.1b.app/11540/ https://arp.1b.app/11396/ Shipped from warehouse. At several stages t...