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List of related questions and answers «User and Access Management»

8 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
26.05.2022, 18:14
Can't get to OneBox
Under the access of this contact https://icoloronebox.crm-onebox.com/app/employer/46/permissions/ When changing the login and password in the card,...
4 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
24.05.2022, 14:55
Search not working
Here https://univer.1b.app/app/history/ fig(1) Search doesn't work. No activity in general. Correct plz)
2 answer
17.05.2022, 13:33
Increased OS permissions
https://sairaauto.1b.app/app/storage/?aclgroupid=2&setAclMode=1 The manufacturer has got buttons for acquiring, decommissioning and rebranding ...
"Number of attempts" for entering a password in personal account
Now clients, if they enter the wrong password 2-3 times, will be banned for 1 hour. Can this be turned off somehow? or increase the number of attem...
Doesn't let me create a password
I set a password for the user and get an error where it is described that some characters are missing I set the password Katya115 I used to make su...
8 replies
Personal license
11.05.2022, 19:52
Multiple users working with one process
Hello! Please advise how you can configure the prohibition of changes in the process, if another manager is already working with the same process. ...
4 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
02.05.2022, 14:51
Removal of the reserve by employees from the warehouse
Here (Figure 1) for example, here is the storage reserve https://fr-auto.1box.link/admin/shop/storage/reserve/?balanceid=283 Any employee can remo...
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
02.05.2022, 14:05
Access rights to the purchase price and data export in the warehouse application
Previously, in the MVP, you could separately configure many items for applications, now this is super curtailed. Prompt or tell me how many hours y...
1 answer
26.04.2022, 18:34
OS - Questions - View payments
Tell me how to properly configure the access rights of the Payments and cash register application so that an employee can: 1. Edit and Delete only ...
4 answer
26.04.2022, 18:00
OS - Copy rights of individual applications
Setting the access rights of individual applications for groups of users takes a very long time, because the general copying of rights is not enoug...