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List of related questions and answers «Supplier and price list management»

The delivery method does not enter the Rozetka branch
Today we connected delivery to Rosette offices. But when importing an order, the delivery method is for some reason Nova Poshta. Here is an example...
3 answer
Delivery to Rozetka delivery points - Calculate the finalization
A new type of delivery has appeared in the marketplace: Delivery to Rozetka delivery points Please calculate the finalization of the integration ac...
2 answer
Personal license
04.01.2023, 15:45
What is the current functionality of the OLX application?
Hello! I wonder what the functionality of the OLX application is now. Here https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-price-platforms-and-marketplac...
3 answer
03.01.2023, 13:53
Action PromUA / Switch the stage if the order status on prom.ua has changed
The action runs once per minute. since prom customers have the ability to cancel orders themselves , and it is necessary to check the payment befo...
7 replies
03.01.2023, 12:03
PromUA / Import orders to OneBox - Phone number in order prom
https://rivcont.info/ 1. The customer's phone number is 3809******20 in the order. 2. A contact was added to the order, which was found by client's...
6 replies
25.12.2022, 15:14
Price download history
Please display a button to go to the section Price download history on the main page in the Suppliers and Prices application. In MVP, this tab has ...
2 answer
23.12.2022, 16:22
SOS! The price of the product has not been recalculated since December 6
https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/app/product/10224/edit/ what is the reason? Automation has been set up for several years, everything has alw...
2 answer
13.12.2022, 15:31
VERY IMPORTANT! Orders do not come from PROM.ua
Guys, I beg you to see what is the reason, orders from Prom have not been received since 12/10/2012. Due to the constant interruption in the light,...
2 answer
integration does not work
The integration stopped working, what could be the reason?
4 answer
21.11.2022, 15:40
Tell me on which version of the system it is possible to implement the rozetka update
There is an api https://api-seller.rozetka.com.ua/apidoc/#api-Octopus, previously they gave an estimate regarding the implementation of the update....