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List of related questions and answers «Supplier and price list management»

13 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
14.12.2020, 20:26
ROZETKA / socket how to make it so that the recipient's data enters the box, not the user's / rozetka_auto_action_import_orders
There are 2 blocks in the LC socket: Recipient data User data Now the data from the "User data" block enters the box If in the action set...
The socket sent a notification about the change of the address of the API server
Good afternoon, dear partner! If you are integrated with us via API, please make changes to your systems and change the server address: api.seller....
2 answer
11.12.2020, 21:11
Rozetka API changes
The socket warns about a change in the server address: api.seller.rozetka.com.ua → api-seller.rozetka.com.ua The date of deactivation of the old do...
39 replies
Does not display the availability of goods for one supplier
Good afternoon! When loading the supplier's price list, the availability of goods is not displayed, although in fact the availability column in...
46 replies
10.12.2020, 12:08
import order from outlet
Hello, when an order is received from the outlet, the product is pulled up with an incorrect size, please tell me what could be the reason order im...
I do not receive orders from Prom.ua
I do not receive orders from Prom.ua ((( https://tradework.com.ua
Supplier order not working
When you click on "Invitation to the leader" all buttons are blocked and nothing happens. Please correct.
3 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
10.12.2020, 09:55
One order from the outlet did not enter / Rozetka
Here is the order code in the socket 490450806 Does not search by external ID =&filterauthorid=&filtermanagerid=&workflowid[0]=12&s...
1 answer
10.12.2020, 09:40
The order is not sent to the supplier
When you go to the "Sent to supplier" stage within this order http://box.avtoplus.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/59739/edit/ The system f...
1 answer
Orders stopped getting from Rozetka to the box
Good afternoon. Order for Rozetka arrived at 05:23 now 08:52 the order did not come to the box https://iqcity.crm-onebox.com/ With what it can be c...