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List of related questions and answers «Server Utilities»

1 answer
01.01.2023, 12:36
CRM stopped working
CRM stopped working address: crm.sportmarket.ua type: rental error: Uncaught ConnectionManager_Exception: Cannot connect to database: Connection re...
3 answer
Альфа шина Руководитель интернет проекта
29.11.2022, 12:14
After payment, an HTTP ERROR 500 error appeared and there was no way to access the site
4 answer
28.11.2022, 13:19
Can't deploy backup box
Hello! When deploying the backup, the error "Available only in OneBox paid cloud plans" appears, although the box is on a paid plan https...
4 answer
10.11.2022, 18:29
Data transfer from one box to another
Good evening, we are interested in how to transfer all data and system settings from one box to another (business processes, processes, subprocesse...
4 answer
10.11.2022, 16:21
The minute crown does not work, please restart
Good afternoon boxing https://chekhol.com.ua The minute krone lay, the time does not work. The hoster rebooted our server, apparently, killed the c...
1 answer
10.11.2022, 15:27
Transferring a box to a box
Hey guys, I need to move this box happyhome.1b.app Transfer to box. Leave the domain the same. If possible, please attach the SRL certificate. I&#3...
3 answer
Server change
We independently change the server and domain of the site from https://v10327.dh.net.ua/ to crm.al-store.com.ua (dns, after reading on...
1 answer
Personal license
07.10.2022, 13:18
MVP evaluate the division of boxing on the database and files okremo
boxing at once on one server. To ask for a security method to evaluate the transfer of the database to an okremy server. DB backup is also portable...
7 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
29.09.2022, 11:49
Evaluate the additional addendum or remove Contact with your hands
Appreciate, be kind. 1. It is necessary to supplement the residual contacts of Contacts from the data base. 2. Otherwise, evaluate the contact dist...
1 answer
Minute Cron runs for 20 minutes
Here's the stats https://stimul.crm-onebox.com/app/system-statistic/ The most consumed ones take a total of a minute, and cron runs 20 minutes ...