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List of related questions and answers «Server Utilities»

Renew SSL certificate for box.profish.ua
Good afternoon! It's time to renew the SSL certificate for box.profish.ua. To which address should I send the renewed certificates?
1 answer
06.12.2024, 10:34
FTP access
Greeting! Please send to mail (nikogrelis@gmail.com) FTP access for boxing https://gozroschuisuspilstvo.1b.app/ Thank you!
2 answer
08.11.2024, 12:55
Update SSL
Need to update SSL certificate at https://stellar.crm-onebox.com Can you help?
9 replies
04.07.2024, 13:54
Install ssl
Good day You need to update your certificate at https://delavega.crm-onebox.com/ can you do
5 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
20.06.2024, 12:40
Clone box (config only)
please clone box im-obc.1b.app to tltk.1b.app. Only settings should be cloned, i.e. everything except contacts, products, event finances, created i...
You need to update your SSL certificate.
Good afternoon The SSL certificate needs to be renewed; it is about to expire. A new one has been ordered, you need to go through domain verificati...
3 answer
07.05.2024, 10:51
Install ssl certificate
Good afternoon. Box https://crm.meblevakimnata.ua/, you need to update the already reissued certificate in OneBox. Mail for invoice - office@meblev...
1 answer
06.03.2024, 18:34
Good afternoon Please change the time zone to gmt +5 on the boxes: azing.1b.app, savteam.1b.app, massagan.1b.app
1 answer
prolitech user password
Good day, The prolitech user password used to access our vps server is required. We need to make some changes to the website. Please send it to the...
1 answer
23.02.2024, 11:21
SSL certificate update https://box.dobroznak.com/dashboard/
certificate purchased, renewed, extended https://prnt.sc/8WC6uevjM6hF data from the control panel https://prnt.sc/UMUwqV5ZoA-k Opera opens boxing t...