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List of related questions and answers «Server Utilities»

SRM does NOT work!!! Database error
Please fix urgently https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/ When you try to enter something, it throws a database error. And so with all browsers and lap...
2 answer
Good afternoon, it seems that cron has died, nothing works export / import, goods / orders, how can I fix this?
2 answer
Need to renew the ssl certificate on the site
On this site https://patriziapepe.com.ua/ certificate expires on 20.07.2022 We have already been sent an email with a file that needs to be placed ...
12 replies
08.07.2022, 15:44
Rollback to ASAP nightly backup
Today I accidentally deleted all applications with all the settings in this box https://crm.smartid.com.ua/ Please roll back my system to the previ...
3 answer
Personal license
07.07.2022, 15:15
restore settings from backup
Hello! today we were working with automations for products in the znaide.1b.app project and something went wrong, all actions disappeared. can you ...
10 replies
05.07.2022, 20:49
Add the ability to clear the payment history.
Hello, tell me, how much will it cost to add automation for clearing remote payments once a day?
5 replies
05.07.2022, 13:40
Install SSL certificate
We have expired https://box.ltec.com.ua/desktop/ SSL certificate. You need to install a new one. But for its release, you need to place a verificat...
5 replies
The system started to work slowly
Here are the stats Everything seems to be ok in terms of indicators, but it happens that it takes a su...
8 replies
04.07.2022, 13:41
Server back up
Do you have backup capability on servers? Since we are located at your place, and the situation is not stable, please respond.
Install ssl certificate
Good afternoon! You need to install a Let's Encrypt ssl certificate on the domain https://box.lanita-shtor.com.ua/ Important - with the possibi...