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List of related questions and answers «Reports and analytics»

5 replies
03.08.2022, 22:00
Product search bug
There is a product that used to have one name and then another product with a completely different name was filled in instead. The search works som...
1 answer
03.08.2022, 16:29
Refinement in the report
In this report: https://datapoint.center/admin/report/desiner/3/view/?filter_templatetable_datef...
1 answer
02.08.2022, 15:55
Add a calculation of the number of orders to the report
There is a report https://datapoint.center/admin/report/desiner/18/view/?filter_templatetable_date...
2 answer
29.07.2022, 11:22
Rozrobka, nalashtuvannya zvіtіv
Good afternoon. We are looking for a specialist for distribution and making calls. Need the description of the file: https://docs.google.com/spread...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
28.07.2022, 09:57
e-mails are not converted into events
Congratulations! project https://spgr.1b.app/ integration with mail is completed and works, because when viewing incoming mail through the "ma...
5 replies
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
22.07.2022, 16:16
Report for each employee with filtering
Here is the report https://fr-auto.1box.link/app/report/desiner/12/view/?order_filtercustomSkladdly... It has a ...
Can't install app on project
I install on the project "Reports and Report Designer" component by OneBox" https://laminat1.crm-onebox.com/
2 answer
05.07.2022, 20:35
Restore report from backup
There is such a report https://datapoint.center/admin/report/designer/61/view/ The client accidentally deleted some columns, it was 1.07, Friday Ca...
1 answer
I can change the format as well as possible in the sound of the surcharge
- Here we have adjusted the format of digits with spaces, For example, like here https://prnt.sc/tXhBRKClnFoR, more visually it’s not easy
10 replies
02.07.2022, 16:00
Question - Communication channel call=email?
https://ergo.crm-onebox.com/app/event/51688/ An event is fired that is a call, but the channel is recorded as email? Is it due to wrong settings or...