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List of related questions and answers «Reports and analytics»

1 answer
19.09.2022, 01:31
Evaluate P&L report revision
We evaluated it through support, but the estimate is too high, so I want to reevaluate in parts and determine what we will do, given that we want t...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
17.09.2022, 13:48
Not pratyuє zvіt ruhu goods in the warehouse 500 pardon
Call sent: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/report/designer/14/view/ After the onslaught of Filters, you see 500 pardons, in the absence of stalenes...
1 answer
15.09.2022, 15:02
finalize the tick
Please do in filters (an example can be from an analyst employee: https://datapoint.center/admin/report/designer/69/view/ ) the same checkbox as h...
1 answer
MVP incorrect numbers on one line in sales report
Hello! I make a report: https://onebox.constantagro.com.ua/admin/shop/report/sales/?filtermanagerid=25&a...
2 answer
08.09.2022, 15:53
Evaluation of the completion of the report Working hours table
Good afternoon . Report https://crm.hlr.ua:50443/admin/report/worktime/table/ (table display), here it is possible to select only a certain type of...
3 answer
06.09.2022, 16:36
Filtering by brand does not work with the report Sales table by processes with grouping
Doesn't filter by brands https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/report/desiner/10/view/?filter_order_c...
5 replies
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
06.09.2022, 14:13
Evaluate the revision in the report "Procurement Forecast"
There is a block It is necessary that there be a setting that would allow you to display the warehouses from which the system calculates this bala...
1 answer
Personal license
01.09.2022, 14:23
Event type filter for MVP
Is it possible to configure my events filter for MVP version to select event type with multilist as implemented on OS . How many hours will this m...
3 answer
31.08.2022, 13:14
In the "Contact Type" report filter, transliterate
The "contact type" filter is not displayed correctly in reports. It is necessary to indicate how the value of this list is signed. The fo...
1 answer
22.08.2022, 09:28
Filter in analytics
Period analytics: https://datapoint.center/admin/report/desiner/3/view/?filter_templatetable_perio...