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List of related questions and answers «Reports and analytics»

3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
28.12.2021, 11:55
Report grouping not expanding
Set up a report https://prosto-shop.pp.ua/admin/report/desiner/4/view/ If there are quotation marks in the grouping field name, then the grouping i...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
27.12.2021, 15:39
Estimate the rating by goods
You need a sound with such adjustments: - select all goods, if they are in stock, all values can be sorted by product with improved filters (if you...
3 answer
27.12.2021, 11:30
Evaluate the refinement of the SMS status display
We send SMS, but their status is not clear, sent or some kind of error. Example https://datapoint.center/admin/shop/smslog/ If you open the client...
3 answer
25.12.2021, 20:23
Displaying information in search results
Please tell me where are the settings for displaying fields in the search results, by products and BP.
11 replies
Need to evaluate the display of the product report
There is a report http://box.magbaby.ua/admin/report/designer/2/view/?order_fromfiltercustomdataot...
3 answer
Personal license
23.12.2021, 14:14
Call about sales
Let me know if it's possible to filter sales by customer manager ? There is nothing like this, Estimate whether weasel is a dorobka.
8 replies
22.12.2021, 13:14
global search
Good afternoon, do we have the OneBox program? Recently you helped us get new certificates, everything worked well. And now the global search has s...
1 answer
22.12.2021, 12:10
It takes a long time to display the list in the Lead Report app
The list is not displayed for a long time (about 1 min) in the Lead Report application (the test leads have already been deleted in the screen). I ...
3 answer
Personal license
10.12.2021, 19:28
Cashflow MVP
when developing the Cashflow report, there are fields that you left for manual data entry: screen1 but the client needs to divide and fill them. p...
3 answer
Doesn't correctly filter processes by date field
Here is an example report https://box.generator.ua/admin/report/desiner/6/view/?filter_order_cdatefrom=&am...