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List of related questions and answers «OneBox plans and purchase»

5 replies
16.08.2023, 16:40
Tariff change
I want to switch to pricing for the occupied space on the cloud, and not for the license. Please tell me how to check how much space my side takes ...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
10.08.2023, 09:00
There is no company in the list. Unable to pay billing
sand.1b.app this box is missing from the list of companies, which is why I can't pay for it
1 answer
03.08.2023, 10:24
reconnection of the box number
How to reconnect the box to another phone number?
Does the integration with WordPress and Kyivstar use an OS license?
Periodically, when transferring an order from WordPress, there are delays, and the order can take more than 5 minutes Is a license used to integrat...
2 answer
Personal license
27.06.2023, 18:51
Transfer the box from the data tariff to the box
Good day! You need to transfer the ariabride.1b.app box to the client's own server. Access will be sent to the mail.
2 answer
Transition to the OS, conditions for keeping the domain
Tell me what the conditions are for saving the domain when switching from MVP to the OS tariff "for data"
5 replies
transition to os
Congratulations. It is necessary to renew the system of our project on June 28. 2 servers, install SSL,
Switch to OS
Good day! It is not possible to apply for an OS upgrade
2 answer
Adjusted to MVP, several actions do not work after migration
After switching to the version of onebox mvp, we have several broken settings of integrators that were configured for us on the previous version, b...
2 answer
12.06.2023, 10:20
my company is active but doesn't show up in the vanbox in the list
My company is not in the list of companies, I can go to it using the link: https://lux-perila.1b.app/app/workflowtype-lead/ I don't see it on the...