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List of related questions and answers «OneBox Integrators»

Project for a private photographer. Solving customer needs.
The client plans to use the system for project management. There are several designers whose work needs to be supervised.
3 answer
06.10.2020, 13:57
Help make a solution to the customer's pain
Good afternoon. The Client needs a system to store contacts in it. Leads come from social networks + physically. But right now there is absolutely ...
2 answer
06.10.2020, 13:43
Suggest a solution for the client
Lead sells dairy products. He has a retail store + delivery to settlements for caring customers. The warehouse is managed in 1C, there is no progra...
6 replies
06.10.2020, 12:41
food store
What the client needs first: 1) warehouse accounting (what functionality can be offered for food products?) 2) so that the system would notify in a...
1 answer
06.10.2020, 12:38
automatic order processing
There is a client, he has: sales of food for dogs and cats. Orders are accepted in viber, orders are recorded in Google tables, warehouse records a...
3 answer
06.10.2020, 12:19
Functionality for a travel agency (work with internal tasks)
You need to set up a trace. functional: 1) set up a calendar for employees so that they can plan their tasks, meetings, applications, so that you c...
22 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
29.09.2020, 18:38
How to get a refund for a revision that was done incorrectly
Here is the task for revision https://box.webproduction.ua/admin/customorder/issue/2015476401/edit/ As it turned out, the modification does not wor...
6 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
28.09.2020, 10:20
Solution for cafes and restaurants on OneBox
And your request is: There is one coffee shop or even their chain. And you need to keep a record of the products sold. Let's describe what happ...
8 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
26.09.2020, 15:40
How to access the client box without eating licenses
I'm an integrator, but I can't enter the client's box If I understood everything correctly, then I need to put a tick in the rights To ...
11 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
26.09.2020, 15:37
Bonus for correct answer
Earlier we wrote that bonuses will be awarded for the correct answer, where to look and how it works and how many bonuses and how to spend them?