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List of related questions and answers «Managing the base of goods and services»

2 answer
26.12.2021, 21:34
Import products from XLSX file
When importing products from the XLSX file https://ukrpromspec.com.ua/admin/shop/products/exchange-xls/ loads the first 20 lines from the file. Alt...
6 replies
24.12.2021, 14:22
Inventory balance not displayed
Example process https://etg.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/38269/edit/ I add a product in the order and the fields are empty The rest of t...
3 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
22.12.2021, 20:29
Why was the change in the "In the presence" field not recorded in the history (the product was sold)
For which product https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/65962/history/?userid=&systemchange=1...
2 answer
22.12.2021, 09:47
Refinement of the products page
Good afternoon. It is necessary to refine the minimum quantity of the product tied to the price. We have 6 types of prices, the first 4 of them are...
4 answer
22.12.2021, 08:32
Error in image export
Hello! 1) Import export products 2) Images separated | This action uploads the main and additional product photos, the problem is only in the link ...
Improvement required
1- in the product passport Optional product when decomposing the passport into components selling price = 0 these are additional components and the...
5 replies
21.12.2021, 18:27
Import products from YML
When Importing products from YML, photos for products are not loaded. Here is the file I am uploading. https://a-class.com.ua/api/price_retail.xml?...
1 answer
21.12.2021, 10:28
Duplicate products by article
There is an article MAT_LEATHER_LEATHER_00323 It is configured that it must be unique in the system There are 2 products with this article number h...
1 answer
16.12.2021, 13:48
Display images in OneBox Startap product categories
Images are not showing in OneBox Startap product categories. Images are loaded in categories, but when browsing products by category, or exporting ...
4 answer
BAAs Dev.
16.12.2021, 13:21
OS No functionality that was before
Good afternoon. Faced a problem... When importing a product, it was previously possible to delete all filters/characteristics in Products. Please t...