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List of related questions and answers «Managing the base of goods and services»

2 answer
17.06.2022, 13:08
Choosing a setting in automation for products (Evaluate refinement)
Here in action in automation there are such settings I need to set the quantity from I could specify from add. fields, since this is unique for ea...
2 answer
17.06.2022, 13:07
Actions crash in "Automation for Products"
For some reason, the settings themselves fly into actions https://youtu.be/GpABIimy67I You have to constantly refill.
2 answer
17.06.2022, 11:36
Items are not uploaded to excel. Export doesn't work.
Good afternoon. Look, please, the button "download" is no longer pressed in the export of goods to Excel when pressed, no action occurs....
6 replies
16.06.2022, 12:23
Search for products in inventory does not work correctly
Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/storage/process/stocktaking/?storagefromid=4&s... does not find a product in the product search (...
13 replies
16.06.2022, 11:10
Name of the first tab
Posdkazhite, how to return the standard name of the first tab?
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
16.06.2022, 10:50
OS, automation for products does not start when prices are changed
Good day, We got stuck with a problem, when launching a repackaging of the prices of products, automation for these products does not start. It is ...
3 answer
Automation does not work correctly
Describing in my task, but no one has been signed for a week: https://1b.app/ru/forum/production/13915-ne-vikonuietsya-virobnitstvo-produktu/
9 replies
15.06.2022, 13:59
Vіdєmniy surplus of the product in the warehouse. OS
1. https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/storage/motion/212397/?productid=7347 Surplus goods at the warehouse before the operation -171? Why did...
1 answer
# sign in the column "quantity of product"
Why is there a # in front of the value of the quantity of the product in the table of balances in warehouses? How can you get rid of it? Or what is...
3 answer
14.06.2022, 13:09
How to calculate product prices using a formula?
How can I set some formula? The fact. that our settings are tied to the rate and you need to make a discount on the quantity, but do it automatical...