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List of related questions and answers «Managing the base of goods and services»

6 replies
24.03.2023, 19:57
What is Provider Availability
In the fine settings of product import, there is such a field "Availability from the supplier" What is it responsible for? What are its functions?
1 answer
24.03.2023, 19:55
what is "supplier availability text"?
In the fine settings of product import, there is such a field "supplier availability text" What is it responsible for? What are its functions?
3 answer
23.03.2023, 17:09
How can you collect information in the product from additional fields of similar products (by model) or some additional field
The essence of the problem: There are several products with the same model range, that is, for example, there are 5 products, they are all the same...
1 answer
23.03.2023, 12:39
Bug. Missing units of measurement in products and their selection
Here https://sara.1box.link/app/product/13027/edit/ https://take.ms/oJEjg units of measurement in products are missing. Please correct.
1 answer
23.03.2023, 12:13
It is not possible to select a product measurement unit.
https://orc-test.kiev.ua/ You cannot manually create a product. Error. Where did the units of measurement go?
1 answer
21.03.2023, 09:40
Highlight a cell in the product list
/app/product/ now in the table display settings you can specify the color for the column is it possible to highlight a cell depending on the va...
1 answer
How can I download (update) info. about Brands with xls file?
Is there any way to upload/update brand information to the vanbox? Those. description, h1, SEO title, SEO description, etc.? And then in the applic...
Product status automation
Good afternoon Interested in product status automation We currently have availability and out of stock with this everything is clear We want to add...
How to configure product images update via xml.
Tell me how to properly configure the update of product images through xml. Automation configured Universal import of products (xml/json) There is ...
5 replies
Sorting is missing
Since yesterday, the ability to sort products by columns, availability in stock, has disappeared before I could sort the availability of products ...