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List of related questions and answers «Managing the base of goods and services»

4 answer
07.05.2023, 14:24
The link with the export of goods does not come to the mail
The product export file is not received.
5 replies
BAAs Dev.
06.05.2023, 17:49
Refinement of the Settings of the Filter block in the product card
1) Refinement: It is necessary to modify (BOOLEAN) for the Product Filters block, namely in the Settings section. Print a BOOLEAN after (below) the...
3 answer
28.04.2023, 18:28
Add month variable to check month by number
Here https://chekhol.1b.app/app/automatization-products/update/edit/ You need to add the month variable to get the number of the current month "1",...
14 replies
Personal license
27.04.2023, 16:32
Automation for products does not work when updating supplier details
It was noticed that when updating the supplier's prices, the start of price calculation/automation when saving does not always work for the product...
How to clear the value in the product card through xlsx import?
The task in the product cards is to clear the fields "External id" and "Model range (series, collection)" How to do it in bulk? Tried through xls...
1 answer
15.04.2023, 17:50
Blocking access to interface tabs
https://crm.tryalia.com.ua/desktop/ Products have the ability to create separate tabs with an interface. It is necessary to block the viewing of a ...
margin calculation
tell me how can you calculate the margin in the process separately for goods and separately for services if the goods and services are in the order...
7 replies
06.04.2023, 10:39
Task if the product has expired
Good day There is an additional field in the contact card with the type "date" Is there an automatic action or some mechanism that would allow crea...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
29.03.2023, 19:31
How to find and remove duplicate products, or better combine duplicate cards
Cards were created - product duplicates, screen 1343 invafishki.1b.app/app/product/?searchfulltext=EST-083 There are no data in the duplicates: ...
1 answer
27.03.2023, 12:50
The connection with the supplier is deleted!
I connect the supplier through the import of xlsx products. It seems to me that the connection with the supplier is deleted after 10-15 minutes whe...