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List of related questions and answers «Managing Documents and Document Templates»

1 answer
The document is created without data
https://bizemigrant.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/oprikhodovanie/300/edit/ Here is the procedure for updating the data in the template https://b...
1 answer
21.02.2022, 09:42
A document is created with partial data display - Empty document
Today I found a problem: Vidatkova waybill and Order - when created, they do not display the configured variables of the process body, but at the s...
6 replies
18.02.2022, 11:31
OS - Entities as in other lists
The knowledge base has not changed for the better for several years. The list of articles is just as gloomy and uncomfortable. Maybe it's worth...
Layout of documents, how to do it right?
We print template for assembly https://smallpet.crm-onebox.com/app/document/templates/15/control/ In the template we use - product_image This is ho...
1 answer
06.02.2022, 10:30
The condition in the document does not work (before that it worked correctly)
Here is the order https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/droperi/463168/edit/ Here is the document template https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/...
When creating a document in xls, I create it like a document
When creating a document Photo1 in xls i create yogo as a document web page photo2 and show the pardon to the client when he wakes up photo3 Cher...
9 replies
28.01.2022, 11:44
Time limit for creating documents in progress
Is it possible to make such an action or setting to prohibit the creation of documents in a certain period of time? That is, for example, we set th...
1 answer
28.01.2022, 11:40
Substituting data into the document template depending on the field value
How to correctly write a condition in the document template so that part of the text is not substituted? For example, if the field value =1 then we...
4 answer
28.01.2022, 11:26
Automation when creating and printing a document
Hello! As part of our work, we need to constantly create tasks for employees and print documents (work orders). There are many tasks, often they ar...
1 answer
26.01.2022, 08:58
File not created for document [3]
Previously there was a question for January 6th https://1b.app/ru/forum/documents/12633-ne-sozdaet-fayl-na-dokument--avtomatiche... Please tell me...