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List of related questions and answers «Managing Documents and Document Templates»

15 replies
20.01.2021, 13:47
Uploaded documents in CRM are not saved on the server
Good afternoon! According to the business process, we have configured to upload a document to the task by clicking the "send to client" b...
7 replies
18.01.2021, 18:07
Document Template
Suggest, how can you enter all the information from the subprocesses block into the document template? 2. Can you enter in the document table all t...
1 answer
Evaluate the refinement of printing processes
We have the ability to print processes with the button But it creates 1 file and adds there all the orders that I selected for printing. Can I do ...
5 replies
13.01.2021, 18:07
Amount and price format
Hello! Questions about documents: 1. In the invoice and in the act, in the columns "Price" ({row: product_productprice}) and "Amount...
3 answer
12.01.2021, 11:44
Printing documents in bulk with product grouping
Good afternoon! Please help with document templates. I want to create a document with which you need to massively print all the goods from several ...
2 answer
11.01.2021, 16:00
Document printing does not work
Good afternoon! I ran into a problem, namely: when mass printing documents (https://i.imgur.com/5VdvfO5.jpg), Boxing in its settings does not indic...
2 answer
10.01.2021, 12:31
How to remove headers and footers when printing documents?
Good afternoon! Tell me how to remove headers and footers in a document when printing https://i.imgur.com/oN40hC6.jpg? In the print settings, all c...
8 replies
30.12.2020, 13:06
Location of the product description in the document
Client box https://psauto.crm-onebox.com/admin/ There is a document template https://psauto.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/document/templates/20/control...
9 replies
21.12.2020, 18:12
When creating a document in Box, create a public download link for it
Good afternoon! What steps are there to make the above settings? Is it possible to use https://prnt.sc/w797ji variables for this. Document ID is in...
3 answer
Product variable.
Case: Uploaded the Purchase and Sale Agreement. I set all the variables in it. However, I can't find a variable for a Product from a process. W...