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List of related questions and answers «Manage To Do Lists»

1 answer
Error description not displayed
Here https://box.collarexpress.com.ua/client/myorders/lead/ I add and get an incomprehensible error https://prnt.sc/qrur2g It gives an error becaus...
Function Adjustment
At the moment we cannot customize the function. I suggest: to correct the parameter of the function "At the start of the time at the start, ch...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
03.11.2019, 18:43
Expand your business
Investigate the task "Clean up the values of the additional fields of the process". When you go to the stage, the field assignments will ...
Make an action Automatically start/repeat an action by time
This action would be very convenient for creating regular tasks that need to be done at a certain time, for example, at 9:00 a manager is tasked wi...
2 answer
27.09.2019, 15:42
default confidential processes for certain processes/tasks
confidential process by default for certain processes or tasks, so that when you select a specific process, for example, "Payment", the c...
Sorting processes with an additional field
There is an additional field with the contact directory type, in the list processes it displays correctly - the name of the clients, but when you s...
Display serial numbers in progress
Make it possible to select the serial number of an item when reserving it, as is done, for example, when searching for an item, i.e. I enter the se...