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List of related questions and answers «Manage contacts and database of clients and leads»

2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
15.03.2023, 15:17
500 error when trying to add a contact to the system
Any attempt to add a new contact gives a 500 error HERE: icoloronebox .org .ua screens 1317 1318
how to set the desired default address type
I created "Address Types" in contacts. How to make your default type? Because by default it displays the address very poorly, just in writing witho...
4 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
02.03.2023, 13:58
Functionality not working
Good afternoon There is no ability to drag and drop actions in the filtering panel of the Contacts app Can I fix it?
Why is there no block with bonuses in Kontakt
There is no block in the contact interface or contact settings. How to display a contact's bonuses to see where the charges came from, etc. ???
6 replies
20.02.2023, 11:37
Is it possible to integrate with the key programming service for hotels?
https://salto.com.ua/ru/category/virtualnaya-set-svn/ Is it possible to integrate with the key programming service for hotels?
1 answer
08.02.2023, 10:41
Search for a contact on the site
Good afternoon. In contacts there is a "Web site" field, tell me how you can sort contacts by this field so that you can see contacts whose "Websit...
2 answer
06.02.2023, 11:53
Access to create a new client
Good day! Which setting must be enabled in access rights for an employee to be able to create a new contact? https://os.strikeshop.ua/app/contact/?...
5 replies
01.02.2023, 10:26
Import contacts
Good afternoon. We want to rename all contacts from Russian to Ukrainian. As a result, we received a ready-made excel file with a contact code, las...
3 answer
30.01.2023, 12:32
Formatting of 380 numbers was introduced
how to replace all existing contacts by performing this formatting, if mass actions with contacts do not make any changes, when you save only one c...
1 answer
Personal license
19.01.2023, 12:07
Rate the update for the contact fields
Please rate the finishing options: 1) modification of the variable (for letters and processes) so that it was possible to record the "balance" fiel...