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List of related questions and answers «Manage contacts and database of clients and leads»

2 answer
Import company contacts
Good afternoon! I tried to master the import of contacts from a file, but everything is "sharpened" for importing contacts of individuals...
6 replies
11.09.2020, 20:59
How to split
How to properly separate contractors and contacts? One counterparty (be it an individual or a legal entity) can have many contact persons (a person...
10 replies
Uploading contacts
Yesterday, around 15:30, I uploaded contacts with certain parameters in XSL. Box I said wait, I'll send everything to the post office. I waited...
4 answer
10.09.2020, 17:43
Search by partial name match or phone number?
You can search for contacts by coincidence if you start writing a name or phone number from the very beginning. If you do not know the full name or...
9 replies
08.09.2020, 22:55
No access to create a product
Hello. I wanted to create a new product, I clicked on the corresponding button https://prnt.sc/udv8fg but it gives an error - Andrey, You do not ha...
2 answer
08.09.2020, 10:12
The fields in the card are no longer displayed
Enterprise TOV Alkantar Fields are not displayed after switching to the contact card (Supplier employee or Customer). In the card of the enterprise...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
08.09.2020, 09:22
The fields in the card are no longer displayed
This is the first time I encounter http://prntscr.com/udf7me fields highlighted in red and it seems that because of this no longer displayed in con...
4 answer
07.09.2020, 12:00
Several companies on one client.
The customer database contains a person who is a representative of two companies. If it is used in a business process, then both companies are auto...
3 answer
04.09.2020, 16:39
How to remove a contact from a holding structure
I can't find a button/switch in the interface that would remove a contact from the holding structure. It's clear how to add it (interface b...
3 answer
02.09.2020, 11:34
Can't find the setting described in Changelog 35
In the changelog, they talked about setting "Contact name when automatically creating a contact when creating a process from an unknown call w...