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List of related questions and answers «Manage contacts and database of clients and leads»

1 answer
08.12.2021, 18:15
Consultation on the action of merging contact cards
It is necessary to make an action in the process, which would combine the contact card of the client of the process with the contact card, which is...
3 answer
03.12.2021, 10:14
how to export selected (marked) contacts to excel
Hello. there is an option to export, but I don’t see an option how to export only the contacts marked with a bird ... is there such an option in th...
2 answer
02.12.2021, 17:12
no value is added to the field from the contact directory
there are the same 5 fields https://vashcolor.crm-onebox.com/app/workflow/orderfield/ ( brought them out in the process https://vashcolor.crm-onebo...
3 answer
02.12.2021, 12:27
OS: Cannot change Legal Entity in Process
In all processes (here is an example https://our-store.com.ua/45871/) for this group (https://our-store.com.ua/app/acl/aclgrouppermission/4/) it is...
1 answer
28.11.2021, 15:20
500 error when entering Contacts
I open the Contacts app https://ecomdemo.1b.app/app/contact/ Gives 500 error
10 replies
26.11.2021, 16:36
Roistat integration not working
After transferring the CRM system to another domain (task - https://1b.app/ru/support/server-installation/11998-smena-domain-crm ), integration wit...
2 answer
24.11.2021, 17:42
Remove personal settings for a role in the contact filtering panel
Good afternoon. https://crm.hlr.ua/ Tell me, when setting up the contact filtering panel personally for a role, is it possible to demolish it so th...
1 answer
24.11.2021, 14:44
Viewability of deleted contacts
In this topic, food was already given https://1b.app/ru/support/contacts/9568-udalenie-kontaktov/ but there was no reply to the rest of the comment...
7 replies
Contacts are not exported | OS
Good afternoon. The letter with contacts does not come when exporting. There is a message that in a couple of minutes it will come and nothing. box...
3 answer
19.11.2021, 13:49
Score Allow duplicate companies in certain groups
Good afternoon https://crm.hlr.ua/ in Box there is a setting Allow duplicate companies, tell me if it is possible to finalize the verification of t...