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List of related questions and answers «Interface»

2 answer
18.09.2023, 14:12
Correct the blocks "Search for products by barcode" and "Check availability of products in the process by barcode"
Guys, please, can you somehow fix the interface blocks “Search for products by barcode” and “Check the availability of products in the process by b...
5 replies
12.09.2023, 11:07
Improvement to the "Products by table" block: improve "Add color setting"
Guys, please calculate the revision. In the “Products by table” interface block, namely “Add color setting”, you need to compare it with another pr...
8 replies
29.08.2023, 14:30
Product card, BAG
Good afternoon https://box.agro-him.com.ua/ In our product card, the "About product" block has become 2 times larger in width, which is why the...
10 replies
06.08.2023, 22:55
Evaluation of revision Hiding some milestones in the History of milestones
There are stages that are used to check conditions and perform some action, and at which the process does not stop. It is necessary to make a set...
1 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
13.07.2023, 10:16
In the interface, the ability to clear fields is gone
Here https://gamacrm.1b.app/19913/ earlier there was a basket icon opposite the fields (Fig. 1) and you could quickly clear the field. Now she's g...
BUG in process interface
Good afternoon The block "table of products" is not displayed in the order, or it is displayed, but after 3-5 minutes order example https://egorini...
3 answer
29.06.2023, 08:49
Enlarge the picture when hovering the cursor
We need the ability everywhere in the system where there is a product image to enlarge it when hovering the cursor - must be implemented in t...
Remove the ability to add payments
Is it possible to somehow remove the icon with the + sign in the payments block in the business process interface, what is the purpose for adding a...
1 answer
Personal license
19.06.2023, 09:08
ImprovementInvestment of the universal block of the interface: display of the contact field from the additional field
Congratulations! For some time now, we have been observing the lack of one feature with the team: the ability to display the contact field user.(c...
1 answer
12.06.2023, 23:34
Business process design lead/task
I created a business process in the lead and a task, how to set up the design correctly, so that in the business process all information about the ...