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List of related questions and answers «Interface»

7 replies
01.10.2020, 18:20
We propose to simplify the interface elements
1. Remove unnecessary icons - https://prnt.sc/urbog7 Now everyone already knows what phone numbers and emails look like. These icons create extra n...
5 replies
01.10.2020, 12:12
Is it possible to fix or disable in the interface
https://prnt.sc/ur4e7m Can I turn off unused icons or labels? For example, disable the SMS button and the word Active - make it a small icon, like ...
3 answer
30.09.2020, 15:17
Viber - chat in the feed
1. Tell me, is there any way to "clean up" the visual part of the chat in order to remove unnecessary information and make the chat/feed ...
14 replies
30.09.2020, 08:44
Business process interface
It would be logical to add a button that will speed up the work with the PSU settings. https://prnt.sc/uqcbbz Is it possible?
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
28.09.2020, 19:52
Fix the process group deletion logic
Often there is a problem with accidental deletion process groups. The logic flaw showed up on several OneBoxes when clients accidentally deleted a ...
2 answer
28.09.2020, 12:22
Funnel mapping
- Correct the display of the amount of currencies so that it is in the same style, for example, without kopecks: the same in all cases. - And it wo...
6 replies
28.09.2020, 11:46
Bug. When adding an analogue of a product, analogues are not shown
Bug. When adding an analogue of a product, analogues are not shown https://prnt.sc/up57ng although they are actually added, but you can see them on...
10 replies
28.09.2020, 11:35
Product card interface
Before the update, there were four columns in the product card, now there are 3. It has become very inconvenient. There are a lot of values in the ...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
28.09.2020, 10:00
block the "Ask a question" button if the "subject" field of the form is not filled
please block the "Ask a question" button if the "subject" field of the form is not filled http://prntscr.com/up30c5, otherwise ...
4 answer
26.09.2020, 09:29
View all file types in Box
Will it be possible to open the main types of files (jpg, png.... doc, xls... pdf...) in the box from anywhere, without the need to download or thr...