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List of related questions and answers «Interface»

2 answer
15.10.2020, 15:14
Product table
https://prnt.sc/uzu8sk We suggest adding a choice - what description will be displayed when searching for process products. And now it only display...
4 answer
15.10.2020, 14:12
Overlay menu on the action bar
Please fix this bug: https://prnt.sc/uzsuv1 the menu is hidden under the action bar - please fix it
3 answer
15.10.2020, 13:44
Reduce notification block
When receiving a letter or a long comment, the notification block becomes unrealistically long. I don't think anyone is scrolling to read it fr...
help me choose the option to overwrite the date in the Additional product field
there are additional product fields with the discount date from and the discount date to. are there any options for writing dates in them using som...
The Print button near TTN Nova Poshta in the Universal Block
I do not understand the meaning of the settings, all the options that I try do not change anything. Near the field TTN New Mail icon print, you nee...
Item products in the mobile version
Hello, you need to hide the line "Product prices" during the order. I can't find this item in the settings. And also help to deal wit...
1 answer
12.10.2020, 16:49
Setting the display of the client address on the Google Map
Please tell me where you can find detailed instructions for setting up the display of the client's address on Google Maps. Now the address is i...
2 answer
12.10.2020, 15:02
The logic in the product filter has changed!
1. The placeholder of the Supplier field is missing. 2. When choosing a brand and Without a supplier, products by brand are not filtered. http://jo...
How to remove a photo from a product card in bulk
It turns out that with each import, photos are added to existing ones and duplicates appear in the product card. If you unload the goods in XLS, th...
4 answer
Please describe the new revision of the red fields in the interface
Good afternoon, please describe the new revision of the red fields in the interface. Is it just a hint that this field is already displayed? Or is ...