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List of related questions and answers «Interface»

How to display the Minimum Reserve indicator in the Products table
Actually, here is the indicator https://prnt.sc/vdh1tw displayed it in the product card, it is not shown https://prnt.sc/vdh31j but the value is 0....
1 answer
Contact card interface_codependent fields
The client needs the ability for the contact card to set the value of one field, provided that the other is filled. For example, if I select the va...
2 answer
Date format
8. Select date format. In the new release you will be able to choose your own date format: dd.mm.yyyy/mm.dd.yyyy/yyyy.dd.mm .... WHERE IS THIS SETT...
8 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
03.11.2020, 12:04
Process filters not working
Here is the task: http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/test/115500/edit/ Search by Color filter added to the interface We are loo...
2 answer
Floating point field
https://prnt.sc/vbudbf - if the field type is specified as :floating point, then in the universal block it should also display floating point, righ...
5 replies
Editing the description of the block "payment" - where!?
Hello, please tell me where to go to edit the description of the "payment" block
2 answer
30.10.2020, 18:07
Interface shift in the product card
Problem again. https://prnt.sc/va320t
1 answer
29.10.2020, 16:50
Disable VAT
Good day, is it possible to completely disable VAT in the system?
2 answer
29.10.2020, 13:37
Went layout in the bokeh of adding products 2
on the order adding page http://joxi.ru/4AkL5xLUklw96r block for adding goods - http://joxi.ru/YmEgJ7gsMqORjA
Customizing the display of the Product List Page (tiled)
Good afternoon. After updating, I can't customize the display of the product list page http://prntscr.com/v8xw8k - sorting only by name, and th...