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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with price platforms and marketplaces»

3 answer
URGENTLY!!! Orders from Prom, Rozetka, integration with banks do not come in
Integrations stopped working The last order that went into the van box from Prom.ua MobiPrint.in.ua has the date and time on the screenshot. The l...
6 replies
Error exporting products to XLS
When the checkbox "In the presence column, everything except 0 and - on!" the presence is still unloaded with the "+" symbol. I...
2 answer
25.08.2022, 10:51
Loading orders
Hello, tell me, is it possible to load orders for a certain period of time, or better with a certain status, for example: "New"? A large ...
33 answer
17.08.2022, 12:37
Is it possible to transfer the action "Switch stage if order status in Rozetka has changed" in MVP
Good afternoon. Can you please tell me if it is possible to transfer the action "Switch stage if order status in Rozetka has changed" to MVP
2 answer
16.08.2022, 09:55
OLX development. Create listings for products in stock
Is it possible to make a revision so that ads are created for products in stock? That is, without creating a business process. For example, the pro...
6 replies
12.08.2022, 11:39
Refinement of OLX. Creation announced by products in stock
Is it really possible to make improvements so that ads are created based on available products? That is, without creating a business process. For e...
4 answer
10.08.2022, 19:09
Promo orders are not loaded selectively (may not be loaded for a couple of days)
Here is an example of such orders Here he is on the prome And in srm there is no ego https://sara.1box.link/app/workflowtype-order/?filtershowproc...
Sometimes there is a big delay in the import of orders
The order for the promotion was placed on 08/04/22 at 12:14 p.m Logged into the system on August 6, 2022 at 5:22 am Here is a screenshot from the p...
13 replies
09.08.2022, 11:14
Export Characteristics to Prom.
Quote about the export of characteristics on Prom The bottom line is that the characteristics of the post-chief leader have one name, but on the in...
2 answer
05.08.2022, 19:28
The integration with the Socket does not work, new orders do not arrive and statuses are not updated
Good afternoon. Look please. Integration with Rosetka does not work, new orders do not arrive and statuses are not updated. The problem is observe...