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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with price platforms and marketplaces»

Order number with socket
Good afternoon. Tell me how to get the order number from Rozetka in order to write it down in the customer field and use it for email newsletters?
1 answer
External ID and product url are not loaded into the Proma box
Hello. Automation is set up once a day PromUA / Product import. Recently, I can’t say exactly when it started, but the External ID and url of the p...
4 answer
Integration with Epicenter
Good day. Epicenter opened a new function - API integration from srm. Will onebox have the appropriate action to import orders from Epicenter?
2 answer
Orders from Promo are not imported, the status is error
I am attaching a screenshot of the error. Tell me who knows what options there are?
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
25.04.2024, 13:30
The action that transfers the status from the Box to the Socket stopped working. Gives an error
http://prntscr.com/DtVSq-hFnkxO Maybe the problem is that the statuses in Rosetta are in Ukrainian, and in Box in Moscow? https://sellerhelp.rozetk...
Rozetka delivery
Does your Rozetka delivery app work with Rozetka delivery? Are they some different things?
Orders from Rozetka are not processed correctly
We connected another outlet account. All settings were copied from the previous (working) setting. But the order comes in without a Status and just...
2 answer
06.03.2024, 10:52
working with the application
Good afternoon There were a number of questions about working with the application firstly, it does not load existing advertisements from OLH, al...
how to get successful purchases or customer rating in box with prom??
There is a successful buyer rating in the promotion https://prnt.sc/xRHjwJSX2Vk6 what action can be taken to get this data? in proma it is 91% tsaf...
Integration of orders from the box
Congratulations! When we add an additional product to the order in the box to the current order that came from the outlet, it is not pulled up for ...