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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with banks and payment systems»

Payments arrive late_PrivatBank
Good afternoon Example of payment from banking https://prnt.sc/4-svF21btkNX of this payment in the specified OneBox account https://ukroptmarket.1b...
1 answer
08.11.2023, 12:56
Give an answer - Error 500 when going to LiqPay integration settings
https://1b.app/ru/forum/integrations-with-banks-and-payment-systems/17894-500-os... Integration ht...
BUG_ Action Monobank Receiving balance
Using this action we want to get the current account balance Currently we get this balance https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/app/payments/settings/acc...
Payments from MONO do not work
Good afternoon OneBox https://ubp.crm-onebox.com/desktop/ Example of payment from a client bank https://prnt.sc/sDJiCINJPfkk It is not available in...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
29.09.2023, 10:21
Is it possible to connect to OneBox Privat-acquiring with payment through the terminal
There is a Privat 24 connection You can connect: - private account with cards - a business account with cards and a current account The question is...
don't delay payments
Tell me, is it possible to make an improvement so that payments are pulled up once?
10 replies
05.07.2023, 13:53
How to enable integration with a private bank
Good day. Is there an instruction on how to connect the integration with the private? Where to get data for zapenennaya fields? Thank you
1 answer
Where can I get an account ID for making payments?
This option is required in settings. And where to take it? Account ID for making payments
2 answer
20.04.2023, 10:44
The currency rate update OS from Privat stopped working
here are the settings: there is no Privat in the list. When trying to update the course like this - it opens a new window and nothing works. if yo...
3 answer
24.03.2023, 18:58
Rate the update for the action "Create payment link in WAYFORPAY"
Good day! It is necessary for the client to see the order data when following the payment link. Now only "Payment" is displayed. https://take.ms/xl...