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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with banks and payment systems»

3 answer
Does not raise payments from Privat24
There was such a problem. Does not withdraw payments from 3 FOPs from privat24, payment accounts: Rs-FOP Haydak N.S. , RS-FOP Golovan I.E. , RS-FOP...
4 answer
27.02.2024, 12:25
Payments from Wayforpay are not imported
Hello. I configured two separate actions "WayForPay statement" for two different stores to import payments. But payments were first imported only f...
1 answer
07.02.2024, 11:34
Where to get data
We need client data “ID and code from FUIB”, the bank does not know where to get it for us) They send us a file that does not contain the ID and co...
9 replies
24.01.2024, 14:55
What is needed to connect the FUIB integration
It is necessary to integrate FUIB banking to receive incoming and outgoing payments. What is needed to enable integration and where can I get the d...
1 answer
12.01.2024, 17:49
Linking a payment
Tell me how you can set up linking payments with WayForPay using automation. We tried the standard functionality, but payments that are included in...
9 replies
03.01.2024, 12:56
Statements from the fop private account are not pulled
In automation 1 time per minute https://sambag.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/ added by Privat24 Autoclient Account statement indicated the acco...
Payments arrive late_PrivatBank
Good afternoon Example of payment from banking https://prnt.sc/4-svF21btkNX of this payment in the specified OneBox account https://ukroptmarket.1b...
1 answer
08.11.2023, 12:56
Give an answer - Error 500 when going to LiqPay integration settings
https://1b.app/ru/forum/integrations-with-banks-and-payment-systems/17894-500-os... Integration ht...
BUG_ Action Monobank Receiving balance
Using this action we want to get the current account balance Currently we get this balance https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/app/payments/settings/acc...
Payments from MONO do not work
Good afternoon OneBox https://ubp.crm-onebox.com/desktop/ Example of payment from a client bank https://prnt.sc/sDJiCINJPfkk It is not available in...