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List of related questions and answers «OneBox integrations»

1 answer
Интернет Магазин openshop.ua
24.11.2020, 16:06
Evaluate the refinement of the "Integrate XML Products (Export)" action
For the "Integrate XML products (Export)" action, you need to modify the settings: Unload goods only if the product field has changed... ...
1 answer
24.11.2020, 11:57
https://www.infobip.com/docs/api It is necessary to synchronize so that you can send mailings via sms and viber from the box C viber also receive m...
8 replies
24.11.2020, 10:10
Cash desk ATOL 27F
Purchased an online cash register https://www.atol.ru/catalog/atol-27f/ Is it possible to generate fiscal checks for her? And how do we set up inte...
3 answer
23.11.2020, 16:49
integration with NovaChat
Does OneBox have NovaChat integration?
1 answer
Integration with Rabota.ua
https://api.rabota.ua/swagger/ui/index#/ - you need the ability to: - Post job text from Boxing - Take the candidate's response with a resume f...
2 answer
Online checkout integrations
Tell us about the possibilities of online cash desks and connecting pro. Implemented at the moment? And also interested in the cash desk for offlin...
2 answer
22.11.2020, 14:34
Telegram integration not working
Hello! I need help with Telegram, because after connecting, nothing works, although everything is set up. - Application installed https://i.imgur.c...
7 replies
20.11.2020, 14:58
Does not tighten the product when ordering from Tilda
Good afternoon. For some reason, the goods in the order from Tilda do not stretch. The article was written in the tilde https://prnt.sc/vmtoey, the...
viber messenger connection
when connecting a public viber account, an error appears. https://skr.sh/s5D6wIXsspa?a The API is correct. Checked.
6 replies
18.11.2020, 17:50
Adding integration with Checkbox service
I ask you to open access to integration with the Checkbox service in Oneboxmarket