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List of related questions and answers «OneBox integrations»

Good afternoon. I noticed that the action Send a message to telegram does not work if more than one role is specified in the recipients
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
02.02.2021, 19:13
Good afternoon. Marveling at the video about integration with jivosite. Am I right in understanding that it is possible to confirm in the chat only...
10 replies
02.02.2021, 15:37
Some of the goods are not transferred correctly when imported into the good
noticed that the number of goods in stock in the box is greater than the number of goods in stock in XIII, while the total number of goods was the ...
Automatic switching of NovaPoshta accounts
If it is possible to make a revision so that Nova Poshta accounts switch automatically when the sending limit is reached?
4 answer
01.02.2021, 19:11
Can't track Justin's track number
I set up integration with Justin, but I don’t see the status of the track number in the order. Example http://box.smart-gadget.club/admin/customord...
12 replies
01.02.2021, 15:44
The external id from opencart did not load correctly
Opencart integration configured Enabled action https://farfor.crm-onebox.com/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ Import products from Opencart Downloaded ...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
31.01.2021, 19:30
Assess the refinement of getting a client's photo from messengers
You need to receive photos from messengers: 1) Viber 2) Instagram 3) Facebook
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
31.01.2021, 19:14
Rate FacebookMessenger improvement
Need the ability to connect FacebookMessenger multiple times
2 answer
30.01.2021, 12:07
Setting up a telegram bot?
Good afternoon, please tell me, I figured out the integration of the telegram bot, I managed to set it up so that when writing a message, a process...
2 answer
30.01.2021, 09:37
Type of connection to the OpenCart database
There is an action Import products from Opencart It connects to the opencart database and downloads products from there. There is a question: what ...