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List of related questions and answers «OneBox integrations»

4 answer
25.02.2021, 15:16
Import of goods on OpenCart Ukrainian
The Ukrainian language in boxing was withdrawn for the engagement https://prnt.sc/106lh1t Prote, vivantage on opencart (name, description) sounds R...
10 replies
Webasyst API / Import products do not load photos into the box
Hello, lately products by automatic action Webasyst API / Import products come to the box without a photo. The photo format for the site has not be...
7 replies
23.02.2021, 16:07
facebook messenger
Will integration with Facebook, Instagram be simplified for cloud users? Cloud services usually provide simplified / uncomplicated integration. Can...
3 answer
23.02.2021, 12:18
Good afternoon. We connected LDAP through the application market, made all the settings. When you log into OneBox after entering your username and ...
1 answer
22.02.2021, 14:14
Urgently! The check is not fiscalized through the Checkbox!
Error with email
1 answer
22.02.2021, 09:55
YouScore - continued
Continued https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/integration-with-onebox/7161-youscore/ It is necessary to estimate exactly how many hours of programmin...
9 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
21.02.2021, 19:22
open a single chat when clicking on the viber icon in the contact card
you need to make it so that if the contact card has a viberid contact for correspondence, then when you click on this button (the viber icon in th...
9 replies
21.02.2021, 13:03
Import import from Horosopa
How to import an order with a good deal, so that in the BOX there was a reduction in the price of a product that was in the order. At the same time...
Information is not correctly transferred to another box
The integration of exporting products from the slingopark.com box to grudnichok.com.ua is set up. This is from the side of slingopark.com this is f...
1 answer
19.02.2021, 17:15
Below is a description of the customer's request. Who can kill that for yaku vartist? When integrating with YouScore, we can integrate two modu...