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List of related questions and answers «OneBox integrations»

3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
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08.04.2021, 16:39
Refinement of photo export in Wordpress
It is necessary to implement a reverification of the visibility of the image in the variation: Por_vnyuvati the image code at vіdpovіdі zapitu with...
3 answer
08.04.2021, 15:34
How does integration with marquiz.ru service work???
How does integration with the marquiz.ru service work??? When creating orders, a contact with the "Company" type is created and the phone...
1 answer
08.04.2021, 11:38
Problem with i2crm
Integration is enabled, notifications are turned into a process, but The client will often come back with identical notifications and statuses ar...
6 replies
08.04.2021, 10:25
WayforPay - settings in the account do not work
Here is the setting https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/boxclient/8/interface/?workflowid=75 When I specify the choice setting where to make ...
5 replies
07.04.2021, 18:03
Hello. I wanted to clarify whether any work is being done on integration with hubber? The parent topic is already closed and I can’t write in it: h...
1 answer
Google maps (field type)
In my contact card there are 2 fields in which there should be an address. I need functionality that will allow additional. In the contact field, s...
Incoming Viber messages from the client are doubled.
Hello, on Friday we caught a "bug". Several identical messages began to come from clients to processes. Here are links to processes where...
3 answer
02.04.2021, 18:08
Tell me, in the new version of onebox OS, will there be integration with the TorgSoft accounting program?
9 replies
02.04.2021, 17:53
Grow the Remaining 100 Claims with WordPress
https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/ It’s necessary to finish, so that when importing the application the appointments wer...
2 answer
29.03.2021, 22:07
Linking payment to the process (Privat24 Autoclient)
This type of comment: "LIQPAY ID 6547678445 SOID 93304 PBK i612312343..." Zovnishniy id zamovlennia tse "SOID 93304" How to pay...