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Need a general CRM setup for logistics and delivery services
you need to make basic settings for the initial work. I understand that this is a strange task and therefore I am immediately interested in the cos...
crm for tenders or a separate solution
Interested in information regarding the decision for the tender organization. What will be better: to develop your own system or build on the basis...
Не работает выпадающее меню для поиска поставщика
Не работает поиск по поставщику в продуктах нет выпадающего меню для поиска. И даже если прописать поставщика, то не ищет
0 replies
06.09.2022, 18:01
CRM-ERP configuration of OneBox OS:Tender system for support buyers
The Astelit Group company promotes the configuration of the CRM-ERP system OneBox OS: Tender for companies that work with state-owned purchases and...
0 replies
11.08.2022, 22:33
Expected arrival
Hello! Please tell me if you are interested in information on the expected arrival. To achieve this information on the product is possible only thr...