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9 replies
27.07.2023, 14:27
Import products into process by regular expression
Here https://prnt.sc/xQxggCWcn499 (Figure 1) https://fr-auto.1box.link/app/workflowtype-rabota-so-skladom/workflowstatus/144/... ther...
2 answer
15.07.2023, 13:56
Deliverynote field
Please tell me where to find the deliverynote field in the order interface?
2 answer
13.07.2023, 14:29
Doesn't switch orders via bulk edit
Here https://sara.1box.link/app/workflowtype-order/ The order https://sara.1box.link/54104/ is transferred in bulk to the "NEW. ZMOVL" stage (Fig....
2 answer
04.07.2023, 09:15
Error displaying task fields
2 answer
03.07.2023, 23:40
Error 500 when entering the order
Congratulations. When I go to the order, an error 500 occurs
2 answer
Personal license
30.06.2023, 12:00
Errors when working in the system
After switching from the MVP version to the OS, today there were problems using the box https://crm.ypi.com.ua/ 1) When adding products - when tryi...
2 answer
29.06.2023, 15:31
Merging processes. Changes
The functionality of combining processes began to work differently. Now, when selecting several processes, it offers to choose which process to com...
1 answer
Checkboxes are not set in the list of products in the order
The checkboxes for selecting goods in the list of goods in the order are not set, if the checkboxes are set by the command select all, then I do no...
4 answer
Since yesterday morning, problems with recalculating prices in orders
Hello. I ask you very urgently to see what happened to the recalculation of prices for goods. Box https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/ Order https://o...
2 answer
Adding a product by barcode stopped working correctly if the granularity is higher than 1
If the granularity of the product is greater than 1, then the product is incorrectly added to the order, with empty "quantity" fields. Everything ...