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List of related questions and answers «Financial and payment management»

2 answer
23.06.2021, 18:46
The balance for the new period is not displayed correctly
https://orc-test.kiev.ua/admin/shop/users/78/ Balance for the period in hryvnia - unreasonable figure: Everything looks right in dollars
1 answer
23.06.2021, 12:27
The total amount and VAT are not displayed
Order - https://osmarina.crm-onebox.com/1/ 1. there is a product with a sale price of 1000 in the order - https://tinyurl.com/ygfahx2w , but this a...
9 replies
Monobank - integration of statements for sole proprietors
There is api https://api.monobank.ua/docs/ I tried to do it as a normal integration - but the monobank statement action did not show cards or accou...
1 answer
Change box currency
It is necessary to change the base currency of the box to rubles https://mastersales.crm-onebox.com/admin/
Need CashFlow functionality.
Need CashFlow functionality. Who can I contact to set it up?
9 replies
Seller-Online Receiving payments - does not pull up payments once an hour, as it should.
Payments that are already on Seller-Online appear in OneBox only the next day.
1 answer
09.06.2021, 13:14
Cross exchange rate
Boxing currency is USD. Required to secure the euro exchange rate not to the hryvnia, but to the boxing currency. How many loans dorobka? We noted ...
13 replies
Refund commitment update
Need help deciding how to properly update Commitments if I'm running a Return of Goods By customer's parent process. Essence: - The client ...
upload payment file
Hello. The client-bank sends the following file with an array of payments: is it possible to load such a file through the bulk operations panel wi...
2 answer
27.05.2021, 17:46
Block Finance in the contact card
Hello! You need to be able to display in the finance block in the contact card the client's obligations in the currencies of the processes for ...