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List of related questions and answers «Client cabinets»

You have reached the maximum number of sessions in your onebox license
No access works, it says to all users at the same time, The maximum number of sessions in your onebox license has been reached Please reset all ava...
1 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
30.11.2023, 15:56
Needs finishing touches for a personal account
Improvement is needed. In the Deny transition depending on fields action, there is an error text that is displayed It is necessary that when the cl...
1 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
22.11.2023, 11:13
Checking fields indicating error
Good afternoon In your personal account there is a Forms block https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/boxclient/10/interface/?workflowid=101&grou... T...
2 answer
20.11.2023, 11:09
1 file per block page is displayed in the client's office.
On the process view page in the client's account, a block with files is displayed https://prnt.sc/D6FhCZ2rZ8nw But only 1 file per block page is di...
1 answer
20.10.2023, 16:43
Non-clickable buttons (Add to cart) in lk
From this client https://box.yerocolors.com/app/contact/400/ we go to lk. These buttons on the product page are not clickable https://prnt.sc/Sel9y...
1 answer
11.10.2023, 10:29
Remove the ability to select a language during authorization
Here https://univer.1b.app/client/login/ Today a field appeared with a choice of language https://prnt.sc/38jiYZyiiucZ which was not there before, ...
Photo does not load when clicked
Good afternoon Products page in your personal account https://inclothes.1b.app/client/product/list/?filternameproduct=&articul=&am... ...
2 answer
06.10.2023, 13:37
The block "Insert code on the page" in the personal account does not work correctly
I add several such blocks to one page. In one html block, I simply write the text https://prnt.sc/THcQOqycsOXc Then I add another script block and ...
1 answer
04.10.2023, 18:16
Why is the bug not fixed?
https://1b.app/ua/forum/client-cabinets/17733-v-kabinete-klienta-ne-sohranyayuts... It's been a week. ...
Improvement_Selecting product category output depending on contact group
Good afternoon There is a request like this: OneBox https://inclothes.1b.app/desktop/ There are two categories of clients wholesale and drop it is ...