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List of related questions and answers «List of 2020 OneBox MVP changes»

2015814465 - Added a setting to the "Perform procedure" action
For the "Run procedure" action, the setting "Find the parent process in the specified business process and run the specified procedu...
2015812927 - Added settings to the "Import companies from Microsoft Nav" action
Added settings for automatic action once per hour "Import companies from Microsoft Nav": - the key of the field that stores the name of t...
2015811198 - Added a setting to the action "Create a process for a supplier"
The following settings have been added for the "Create a process to a supplier" action: - Additional field of the process product with th...
2015810346 - Added setting to payment methods
Added selector "Show only in admin panel" to payment methods settings
2015812560 - Added a setting to the "Last client events" block
Added setting "Show playback speed control" to the "Last client events" process interface block
2015811193 - Added the ability to delete events
In the events section, the "Actions on events" setting has been added, with which you can delete selected events. The setting appears in ...
2015801437 - Improved integration with TurboSMS
Added setting "Use hybrid Viber sending" on the mass mailing page. The checkbox allows you to send bulk messages in Viber. Sending occurs...
2015812225 - Added a setting to the action "Calculate the value using the formula and write to the specified field"
Added the setting "Run the action only if the following conditions are met for the product fields/additional fields" for the "Calcul...
2015809087 - Added auto action to work with leftovers
Added a new automatic action once per hour "Create a process based on the remaining product in stock".
2015809710 - Added new BP action
A new action of the business process "Add to the process the product found by the PREG template" has been added. PREG templates allow you...