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List of related questions and answers «List of 2020 OneBox MVP changes»

2015822822 - Refinement for unloading product passports in XLS
The setting has been improved, which, when unloading passports, allows you to select / remove all passports for unloading. Allows you to quickly re...
2015821940 - Improved functionality of integration with MonoBank
Added the ability to connect multiple cabinets with MonoBank.
2015824859 - Improved functionality of recounting
In the "What to do with products that are already in the general inventory basket when transferring data from personal" setting, the opti...
2015823448 - Improved the functionality of the action "Universal import of products (xml/json)"
Added the setting "Ignore vendor items that were blacklisted while linking them" to the action "Universal import of products (xml/js...
2015822916 - Improved action "Fill in an additional field based on additional data fields of the lookup"
For the action "Fill in an additional field based on additional data fields of the lookup" added: - setting "Directory of sorting di...
2015823324 - Improved search block by process
Added a setting in the search block "After inserting a process product, mark up the product depending on the filters filled in the additional ...
2015823078 - Improved method /api/1c8x/order-get/
In the /api/1c8x/order-get/ method, the productunit field has been added to the information about the products of the process (ordercontent->pro...
2015808134 - Improved the functionality of the "Import processes from Microsoft Nav" action
For the action "Import processes from Microsoft Nav" the setting "Which field to filter the date by (default Order_Date)" has b...
2015820975 - Added setting for displaying a fold operation
Added system setting "When displaying a warehouse operation, group products with the same id in one line"
2015823570 - Improved warehouse accounting functionality
Added system setting "When displaying a warehouse operation, group products with the same id in one line"