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List of related questions and answers «List of 2020 OneBox MVP changes»

2015828100 - Added integration with Skyriver service
Added integration with Skyriver - service for sending sms messages
2015827391 - Added setting to "Integrate XML Products (Export)" action
For the action "Integration of XML products (Export)", the setting "Run once every N minutes (if it is not specified to run once per...
2015822814 - Added a setting to check for the presence of a product passport
Added setting "Allow product to be added to manufactured products of only one passport". Allows you to check for the presence of a produc...
2015827253 - Improved the action "Fill in an additional field based on the data of the directory"
Added the ability to select the field "Product brand (id)" to the "Fill in an additional field based on the lookup data" action
2015828579 - Improved the functionality of the action "Send a request via api"
Added parameter "Product category and additional categories (array with names)" to the action of automation of products "Send a requ...
2015826439 - Added setting to action "Expand process product items to line items according to quantity"
Multi-setting with conditions under which the product is deployed has been added to the action "Expand items of process products into individu...
2015827860 - Added functionality to the "Process product loading block"
In the "Process products loading block" settings, the "Update found process products" setting has been improved.
2015826433 - Added a setting to the action "Create a process based on a missed call"
For the automatic action "Create a process based on a missed call", the setting "Do not create a process if the client is in at leas...
2015827285 - Added a setting to the action "Prohibit switching the stage for employees other than the selected roles"
For the BP action "Prohibit switching the stage for employees, except for the selected roles", the setting "Do not check when switch...
2015827813 - Added ability to import comments from Prestashop
For automatic action once a minute "Import processes from PrestaShop" added setting "Import comments from prestashop to process comm...