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Application Questions and Answers «Workflows constructor»

Is it possible to be notified when a comment is sent to an employee?
Is it possible for the employee to receive a message only in the case of a comment sent for him (via @) in BP? That is, if someone simply wrote a c...
8 replies
11.05.2023, 14:18
please tell me which action updates the contact field type date
Good day. Please tell me which action updates the contact field type date "Update". When moving to a stage, the "Update" field must be updated in t...
2 answer
10.05.2023, 19:18
The Customer Process Step field in the Products table
Is it possible to display the stage of the client's process in this field not just with text, but with the color of the stage?
Comparing the sum of the fields of child processes with the field of the parent process
I wanted to know if it is possible to somehow prohibit editing a child process if the sum of a certain field for all child processes exceeds the va...
8 replies
04.05.2023, 16:34
How to make an informational message
Tell me if it is possible to make it so that when going to any stage, if there are more than 1 item in the Customer's Order, a message was displaye...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
04.05.2023, 15:41
Error when specifying the Supplier in the product: Perhaps the data you entered did not pass validation
Here is a task that gives an error like on screen 1373 For the second product, we specify the supplier, and when storing, we get an error, 1374 ...
Highlighting values
There was such a problem, I wanted the value field to be highlighted in red in the goods table in business processes if it is more than 1000, but i...
2 answer
26.04.2023, 09:19
The workflow export-import function from a JSON file does not work correctly
When creating a new business process by using the "export-import workflow from JSON file" functionality, one of the interface settings is not trans...
Sending the name of the process manager by email
There is a variable {|$managername|}, which immediately contains the manager's last name, but I need only the first name to be used for sending...
5 replies
22.04.2023, 17:31
The check box "Exclude display of unfilled product fields in the process" does not hide empty columns when the "Display only products that have a field" check box is additionally applied
There is a business process block "Products by table" There are checkmarks: 1. "Exclude the display of unfilled product fields in the process" (it ...