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Determine what day of the week it is

I was wondering if there is any way to determine what day of the week it is based on the current date? I searched, but I didn't find an action that would allow me to do this.
Original question is available on version: ua


This is the day of the year in English
or else
[cdatetime|date_format] - Current date and time in the specified format (for example Ymd H:i)
Available formats and examples:
Year (Y - 2018, y - 18),
Month (M - Oct, m -10, F - October, n - 10 (without leading zero)),
Day (D - Wed, d - 03, j - 3, l (small "L") - Wednesday),
Hour (g - 9 (12-hour), G - 9 (24-hour), h - 09 (12-hour), H - 09 (24-hour)),
Minutes (i - 00),
Seconds (s - 35)
20.09.2023, 11:28
Original comment available on version: ru

Гайдаров Руслан Ісмаілович
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Thanks, helped me a lot, everything is working fine
20.09.2023, 11:34
Original comment available on version: ua

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