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Application Questions and Answers «Workflows constructor»

4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
19.09.2023, 11:06
BUG Force stages to be created on every screen refresh
Help please I found a swamp that I can't even describe properly 1. Added several statuses to the process 2. When I refreshed the screen, they...
4 answer
15.09.2023, 15:13
Action "Create subprocess" Please rate the improvement so that in this action you can select the BP for the subprocess from the additional list fie...
2 answer
15.09.2023, 10:04
Extra step
Good afternoon In the process designer, I created a new stage for refusal, and deleted the old one, but for some reason there were two stages in t...
2 answer
08.09.2023, 12:31
No captions for settings
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/615/interface/ Signatures have disappeared in the settings of the product table https://prnt.s...
4 answer
05.09.2023, 13:30
Good afternoon Tell me, please, how to make sure that at the stage "Customer Refusal" the order amount is not taken into account in the total amou...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
01.09.2023, 15:29
block "Information from the directory" is not displayed in the process interface
the information of the "Information from the directory" process interface block is not displayed here the block https://jaluzi-service.1b.app/12749...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
31.08.2023, 17:38
The action Copy the value of the additional field of the product of the process to the additional field of the process does not work
The goal is to add the Customer to the process based on the value from the additional field of the product of the process with the type Contact Dir...
0 replies
ІнваФішки, консультант
31.08.2023, 13:21
Change business process and status of the current, parent and all child tasks in the delivery sub-process periodically does not work
Good day! Under inexplicable circumstances, we have a periodic "sag" of the parental process at stages. Here is an example of problems Ord...
Does not switch the stage in the CDM when the status of the order is fulfilled in the outlet
It does not switch the stage in the CDM when the status of the order is completed in the socket https://i.imgur.com/fD67tyo.png, it seems to switch...
3 answer
23.08.2023, 10:58
How does the Merge Custom Fields Files into One PDF action work?
Can you tell me how the "Combine additional fields files into one PDF" action works? I can’t understand what kind of “additional fields” we are tal...