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Application Questions and Answers «Workflows constructor»

Change of stage on the specified day of the month
I have such a question, it is necessary to make it so that, for example, on the 5th of every month, business processes switch to the specified stag...
3 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
29.05.2023, 11:25
The button for adding business processes does not work
Project https://1b.app/. The button for adding business processes does not work
recopy the fields after the specified time interval
There was such a problem, I need the record of the status of new mail to be regularly updated in the additional field of the process. Regular re-en...
8 replies
21.05.2023, 19:07
Improvement needed: display all organizations of one Supplier in the BP in the Payments block
Guys, we need improvement and your help in the issue of Payments and Suppliers. Very often I encounter the same situation when the same Supplier ha...
6 replies
Evaluation of the finalization of the functionality of the form for drawing
Hello developers. Please rate the functionality update. Required functionality: You need to add a button to the business process. Which will open a...
3 answer
17.05.2023, 17:22
Can you please tell me by what action the field "Customer's full name (order.order_clientname)" can be copied to the Additional field?
Can you please tell me by what action the field "Customer's full name (order.order_clientname)" can be copied to the Additional field? Or the secon...
BAG block BP "process exchange rate"
Example, the product has a price from the supplier in USD If "Input price currency" is NOT SELECTED in the process product field, then wh...
Payment block display
Is it possible to somehow hide the block of payments depending on the role? Any universal block has such functionality, but I don't see it in t...
Is it possible to be notified when a comment is sent to an employee?
Is it possible for the employee to receive a message only in the case of a comment sent for him (via @) in BP? That is, if someone simply wrote a c...
8 replies
11.05.2023, 14:18
please tell me which action updates the contact field type date
Good day. Please tell me which action updates the contact field type date "Update". When moving to a stage, the "Update" field must be updated in t...