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Application Questions and Answers «WordPress»

BUG!! Not all orders were received by CRM!!!
Yesterday, orders were received until 19:22 from Wordpress and that's it, then they started to arrive today. For yesterday there are not many o...
BUG!! Not all orders were received by CRM!!!
5298937 5298945 Here is an example, not all orders from WordPress for yesterday were received by CPM. Fix it and let's do it! Really needed
2 answer
Personal license
16.08.2022, 15:50
Delivery method with WP not pulling up
Sam vp https://www.aveopt.com.ua/ Order for VP (Figure 1) Here https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/483786/ there is no delivery method, although it s...
BUG!!! Orders come in without a delivery method !!!
Orders from WordPress started coming in without a delivery method !!! We can not do ttn and work. What is the problem? We didn't change anything.
5 replies
Orders from the site are no longer displayed in CRM
Hello, configured integration with the site on WordPress. Orders that customers make on the site have ceased to be displayed in the CRM. How to be?
1 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
18.01.2022, 11:01
WordPress variable products not loading
Please tell me, https://bogart.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/hour/edit/ there is an action to send to WordPress on the database of products. fo...
1 answer
15.12.2021, 17:27
Can we somehow change the text data on the wp site?
What are the options for implementing data exchange with the site? The site contains pages https://nudefood.kitchen/rations/pohudenie/ It is necess...
11 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
29.09.2021, 00:38
Getting data from Wordpress on orders
If we receive orders via API, then: 1) you need to make the setting "Search for an article in meta_data" + a field where we specify the k...
2 answer
28.08.2021, 16:47
wordpress stopped coming back
https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com The invitation stopped coming, the person behind the site is a supporter, it seems that the access was not changed. C...
Orders stopped coming from WordPress!!!
Hello! From yesterday, from 12:00, orders from WordPress stopped coming. What is the reason? Please sort it out